Friday, May 8, 2020

Maybe You Are Being Too Practical

Maybe You Are Being Too Practical Imagination. Creativity. Innovation. For just a minute, travel with me back in time to when you were a little kid. Did you pretend? Did you create make-believe adventures? Those are the memories I want you to hold onto for a day. What was it you wanted to be when you were young? I wanted to be an archeologist. I would grab my trowel and head out into the woods behind my barn and dig for hours. Dirty and hungry, I would return with my treasuresdirt-laden high button shoes, medicine bottles, horse shoes and even a sterling silver thimble holder with the initials VD. The memories of this are vivid. I was so excited and so interested in my findings that I began to research. I learned how to tell the age of a bottle by its molding seam. I learned that the thimble holder belonged to Virginia Dorne who lived in our house in the 1800s. Two things were going on here. 1) I visualized and played out my dream of being an archeologist. I actually did it. 2) I got excited and found a passion. As children, we acted out our dreams of being a fire fighter, Super Hero, etc. We envisioned ourselves performing the functions and duties of the role. Along the way we sometimes became really really interested in the subject. Where did that go? Why dont we do that anymore? If you are stuck in a rut or not sure what you want to do next, go back in time and remember what it was you pretended to be as a kid. The other option is to pretend you are a kid again and allow yourself to pretend to be something or somebody else. Pretend. Role play in your mind the daily activities and functions of this something else. Maybe you can find an opportunity to volunteer doing this make-believe career opportunity. Still another option is to tap into your child-like imagination and create or innovate. There are millions of problems to solve right now. You may just have the answer. Our country was founded by pioneers who were not afraid to take risks. They traveled into unknown worlds and territories for a better life, a new adventure. They truly risked their lives, not just their life-savings. Could you? Would you?

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