Friday, December 27, 2019

What to Say to Someone Who Hates Their Job - The Muse

What to Say to Someone Who Hates Their Job - The MuseWhat to Say to Someone Who Hates Their Job Youre not the only one who hates your job.There are plenty of times when its nice knowing youre not alone. But when you hate your job and are trying to express that to your friends, hearing this come out of someones mouth probably results in a lot of eye rolling. As a former card-carrying member of the My job sucks club, Ive heard this my ritterlich share of times- and I have to tell you that it never, ever helped me to be reminded that lots of people arent fulfilled by their roles. So, to those well-meaning people out there who are guilty of offering this uplifting nugget, Ill walk you through why youre not helping at all No matter why your friends despise their 9-to-5- youre shutting down the conversation before the other person can tell you exactly whats going on.Throwing out this line is not only the furthest thing from helpful advice, but its also a good way to make someone whos askin g for help feel as if you want nothing to do with the conversation. And unless youre a jerk who doesnt want to hear about how your friends feeling, this is probably something youd like to avoid.What should you say instead when a friend wont stop venting about how horrible everything thing is at the office? Well, it boils down to asking these three questions (in this order) Whats going on at work right now?Is this a new feeling, or has it been going on for a while?How open would you be to starting a job search?These might look like simple questions, and they are. But thats all it takes to give your friends the freedom to both fill you in on whats going on, while also giving you a little guidance as to where their head is at. For example, someone who answers number one by saying, We have this annoying client who keeps asking me for additional projects that he wont pay for probably just needs to complain for a bit. But a friend who says that, and then answers number two with, It feels like all of my clients are asking me for extra work, opens the door for you to say something like, Would speaking to your manager help? or Is the rest of your team working this hard? If the person looks at you and says My manager doesnt care and no one else on my team does either, bring up number three. But if you get through all of these questions and still cant come up with anything helpful, dont worry. From my own experience I know that sometimes folks just want to vent a little bit or have someone someone listen while they sort through their thoughts aloud (which asking these questions does). But one thing I never expected was for anyone to fix everything on the spot. Sometimes, by just being there, youre helping a lot more than you know.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Why Its Important to Take Vacations From Work - The Muse

Why Its Important to Take Vacations From Work - The MuseWhy Its Important to Take Vacations From Work Ah, vacation. Its a beautiful thing, whether your definition of it is traveling to some exotic locale or staying put and exploring spots in your hometown. It doesnt matter if you prefer stay-cating, going abroad, or taking a road trip complete with a tent and camping gear. Breaking from work and taking a breather can be done in a variety of ways. Its no surprise then that what people state as their reasons for going on vacation vary, but with a similar common theme. Time away from work- and everything that goes with it, from emails to to-do lists to drafting proposals and attending meetings- is essential to your well-being. Although it may seem like Im stating the obvious- after all, who doesnt love a little RR?- the fact that many people dont take vacations from work, instead leaving precious unused time on the table tells me one thing Its necessary for a healthy reminder about why you should absolutely take time to recharge. The following Musers stories ought to be enough to convince you to put in a request for time off stat.1. It Encourages CreativityIm at my most creative when Im exploring, so vacation gives me a chance to think big, outrageous thoughts and play around with my most experimental ideas. When I come back, not only do I feel refreshed, but Ive often made some sort of breakthrough in the rest of my work or life. Kathryn Minshew, Founder CEO2. It Helps Prevent BurnoutI take vacation for many reasons. I worry about burning out- not just in terms of declining in productivity, but in terms of enjoying my job and the people around me. If I catch myself sniping at someone because Im in a bad mood, or feeling exhausted on a regular basis, or not looking forward to going to work (even though I do enjoy my work), I know its time to unplug. Alyse Kalish, Editor3. It Makes it Easier to Gain PerspectiveI enjoy vacation to recalibrate. Its easy to get plugg ed into the daily routine and forget about all the life that exists outside of it. By traveling, exploring, and adventuring I refresh my understanding that theres a lot of right ways to live and feel charged knowing that theres not one way to do it. Oh, I also like to have a good tan, too. Dan Ratner, Account Executive4. It Encourages Quality Time With Loved OnesI take vacation for a few different reasons. 1) To spend mora time with family and other loved ones, 2) to de-stress (hard for me to do actually) and stop thinking about work, and 3) for short vacations (e.g., one day here or there) where Im attending to family or personal responsibilities. For longer vacations- I want the experience (via travel) to go to places I have not been and that I believe will ideally both enrich my life and strengthen my family bonds and friendship bonds (depending on whom I go with). Sometimes, Im just worn out and want to sleep in for a day or feel like I can go the gym anytime I want and not have to get there before 6 AM. Adi Dehejia, CFO5. It Gives You Something to Look Forward ToLifes short, so I think its necessary to put aside time to have fun and see the world Plus, I enjoy having something to look forward to. Jimmy Okuszka, Content Associate6. It Makes it Possible to Connect With YourselfTheres nothing quite like traveling alone in a new country. Youre responsible for having fun. Youre responsible for meeting new people. Youre responsible for making it memorable. It shocks the system into creating new friends, connecting with other people, and expanding your horizons. Most importantly, I feel like it really helps create inner peace of mind/confidence in yourself.Dan Kelske, Enterprise Account ManagerThe variety of ansicht responses should tell you one thing You dont need a formulated reason to break from work and enjoy your life outside the office. You also dont need to take a set amount of time, though if youre curious about how to take a long vacation, I encourage y ou to read this. Its all about how I personally pulled off a three-week stress-free vacation.Spoiler I did that by planning ahead and using this free worksheet.Now, what are you waiting for? Look at your calendar and see when youre going to take off and go on that vacation that you deserve.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

4 ways to get work done after hours

4 ways to get work done after hours4 ways to get work done after hoursYouve already had a packed workday, but that huge project is still due at the end of the week, and you feel like you still have to make a lot of headway. Or maybe youre trying to launch a side hustle, but youre just so drained from your day job you dont know how to chip away at it once you get home.Heres how to stay productive after the clock strikes 5 p.m. (or later), whether youve already left for the day or are still holed up in the office- even if its the last thing you want to do.Approach it like you woulda regular shiftWhile early-morning and/or overnight shifts are the norm in some industries, there are steps you can take to get through after-hours periods of work when youre a lot mora used to a 9-5 lifestyle.Set yourself up for boosted productivity by getting enough sleep in advance, packing food that will help you stay focused, dressing so youre warm or cool enough, and packing a portable cellphone and la ptop charger.Commit to whatever block of time you need to get the job done, and dont torture yourself with thinking about all the Netflix binging you could be doing or all the Facebook posts you could be reading. Youll only feel distracted and resentful of the time youre taking away from your recreational activities.Get the tough things out of the way firstAfter taking a brief break, dive right in at the deep end, Alyse Kalish, Associate Editor for The Muse, writes.Take advantage of the second wind you got from quick break by tackling the most urgent stuff first - that means the tasks that are due tomorrow or that your boss emphasized they need ASAP. Then, cover the more challenging stuff. You know, the stuff that takes the most brain power. You may not get to it all, but starting to lay the groundwork now will make it easier to finish later on (and if you know you wont get it all finished in time, heres how to break the news to your boss), Kalish writes.Get through your work one a ssignment at a time, but powering through the challenging stuff can make you feel a little lighter afterward.Make 10 minutes your goalProve that you can make meaningful progress for at least this small amount of time.Alan Henry, former Lifehacker Editor-in-Chief,writes in Lifehacker about a trick the media outlets Editor-in-Chief (as of 2012) used to get aheadLifehacker Editor-in-Chief Adam Pash gives himself10 minutes in the evening to work on his pet projects, sometimes more, never less. If he can drag himself off the couch for 10 minutes of focused work, thats a success - and at the end of that 10 minutes, if he feels like working some more, he does. If he feels like closing up shop and going back to the couch, he does. The important thing here is that he makes himself get started, and even on those nights when he doesnt feel like doing anything, he at least gets 10 minutes of progress towards his goals, Henry writes.Once you clear your resistance to getting started, youre most of the way towards your goal. Pash explains that even though he has the option to return to not doing work once the 10 minutes pass, the beautiful thing is, I almost never do. He also said that this isnt a new idea by any means.Our hope is that youll keep working, too.But remember not to overdo itWe know that putting in too many hours isnt always good for us, so be aya not to use up too much of your after-hours time on work-related tasks.So set some boundaries by limiting yourself to tackling work after the day is over only when you really need to.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

What do millionaires do differently from you

What do millionairesdo differently from youWhat do millionairesdo differently from youWhat do millionairesdo differently?Are theyharder workers? Do they have brains that can bend spoons? Do they exhibit Bond Villain levels of cunning?For their booksThe Millionaire Next DoorandThe Millionaire Mindthe authors surveyedover 700 millionaires to find out.80% were self-made, accruing all their wealth in one generation. And they were doing a number of things you and Iprobably arent.Here are a few patternsthe researchers saw1) Most millionaires are self-employedGot a great idea for a geschftlicher umgang? Make sure the profits are going inyourpocket, not your bosss.ViaThe Millionaire Next DoorTwenty percent of the affluent households in America are headed by retirees. Of the remaining 80 percent, more than two-thirds are headed by self-employed owners of businesses. In America, fewer than one in five households, or about 18 percent, is headed by a self-employed business owner or professional. But these self-employed people are four times more likely to be millionaires than those who work for others.Sound risky? It is.Less than a third of new companiessurvive 10 years.ViaThe Illusions of Entrepreneurshipno matter how you measure new firms, and no matter which developed country you look at, it appears that only half of new firms started remain in business for five years, and less than one-third belastung ten years.But millionaires have a different perspective. They think its risky to work forsomeone else. You could get laid off. Your boss could make a bad decision.They want to be in control of their own destiny and yes - theyre quite confident. And research showsconfidenceboosts yourincome.Butnot only is entrepreneurship risky, its also hard work.Inonly two countries out of all the ones surveyed did the self-employed not work harder than salaried employeesWhy do something so risky and difficult? Research showsone of the main things that makes us love our work isautonomy. And this is definitely true here.Youd need to earn 2.5 times as much money to be ashappyas someone who is self-employed.ViaThe Illusions of EntrepreneurshipThese studies have found that people are more satisfied with their jobs when they are working for themselves than when they are working for others. In fact, the studies show that to be as satisfied when he is working for others as he is when he is working for himself, the average person needs to earn two-and-a-half times as much money(For more on what the fruchtwein successful people have in common, clickhere.)So these arent salaried employees. But how do they decide what kind of companies to start?2) Millionaires choose their careers sttarifgicallyThey dont start a business theyre necessarily passionate about. They dont even do something they necessarily understand or have experience in.They start a business that they think is going tomakemoney. They look for areas of big demand and small supply.Some of you are saying, Duh. Of c ourse thats how you should plektron a business. Yeah, but thatsnotwhat the vast majority of people do.ViaThe Illusions of Entrepreneurshipthere is no evidence that entrepreneurs select industries in which profits, profit margins, or revenues are higher.Sixty-three percent of new business owners admit their venture doesnt have a competitive advantage. Only a third say they really did a search for good business ideas.And the industry you start a business in is very importantsome industries are over 600 times more likely to be successful than others.ViaThe Illusions of Entrepreneurshipbetween 1982 and 2002, start-ups in the software industry were 608 times more likely than start-ups in the restaurant industry to become one of the 500 fastest growing private companies in the United States- 608 times more likelyOne of the authors ofThe Millionaire Mindis a business school professor. Every year he asks his students what the most profitable businesses are.And every year the students cant e ven name one correct answer. If smart, educated business students dont know, why would the average person?But millionaires pride themselves on thinking differently and looking for underserved markets and hidden opportunities.And, frankly, the companiesthey start usually arent sexy. They fall into the category of dull-normal. But they make bank.ViaThe Millionaire Next DoorMany of the types of businesses we are in could be classified as dull-normal. We are welding contractors, auctioneers, rice farmers, owners of mobile-home parks, pest controllers, coin and stamp dealers, and paving contractors.Despite thinking differently and doing things their own way, theyre not jerks. 94% of millionaires said getting along with people was key.(For more on hownotfollowing your passion can be the smartest career strategy, clickhere.)So they run their own shop and choose wisely what type of business to be in. But to make it a success dont they have to be brilliant? Nope.3) Theyre not geniuses but th ey have a strong work ethicWeve all heard the old saying, If youre so smart, why arent you rich?What was the average collegeGPA of an American millionaire?2.9 out of 4.0.(Not a lot of Phi Beta Kappa keys jangling around here, folks.)Few were ever called intellectually gifted and many were explicitly told they didnt have what it takes for medical school, law school or MBA school.But what most people dont know is that GPA is a very poor predictor of success.ViaThe Millionaire MindI find no substantial statistical correlation between the economic-productivity factors (net worth and income) and SATs, class rank in college, and grade performance in collegeAndthis may be part of the reason theyre so successful as entrepreneurs smarter people are less likely to take such risks.ViaThe Millionaire MindOverall, there is an inverse relationship between taking financial risk and various measures of analytical intelligence such as SAT scores.And maybe this is why former drug dealers are more lik ely to start businesses.ViaThe Illusions of Entrepreneurshippeople who dealt drugs as teenagers are between 11 and 21 percent more likely than other people to start their own businesses in adulthood. And their higher rate of self-employment isnt the result of wealth accumulated dealing drugs, greater likelihood of having a criminal record, or lower wages.Inentrepreneurship, youre the boss. So it requiresleadership. And some research showsbeing super-smart actually makes youworseat being a leader.ViaMind in Context Interactionist Perspectives on Human IntelligenceCognitive ability tests have been notoriously poor predictors of leadership performance. Leader intelligence under certain conditions correlates negatively with performance.(Though research shows if you want to be a successful terrorist, definitelystudy hard in school.)But futuremillionaires do work hard.When asked what their teachers did compliment them on, what was the most common response?Most dependable.When asked what t hey did learn in college, 94% replied a strong work ethic. And research showsself-discipline trumps IQwhen it comes to success.(To see the type of schedule successful people follow every day, clickhere.)So we know how they bring their money in. Is there another part to the equation? Yeah. Dont letthat money out.4) Theyre cheapWhen the authors ofThe Millionaire Mindinterviewed the wealthy, they didnt want them to feel uncomfortable.So they rented a penthouse in Manhattan, loaded it withfour types of pt, three kinds of caviar and plenty of fine wine.The millionaires arrived andfelt completely out of place. All they atewere the genieer crackers.When offered the fancywine one interviewee said he only drank two types of beer free and Budweiser.The researchers were stunned.They quickly realizedthe media images we see of millionaires arent representative.Expect a millionaire to be a fancy dresser? 50% have never paid over $399 for a suit. (10% had never paid $195.)In fact,if you do see som eone wearing a $1000 suit, its more likely theyrenota millionaire.ViaThe Millionaire Next DoorFor every millionaire who owns a $1,000 suit, there are at least six owners who have annual incomes in the $50,000 to $200,000 range but who are not millionaires.Fancy car? More than half have never paid over $30,000 for a car.See someone in a Mercedes? They are probablynota millionaire.ViaThe Millionaire Next Doorapproximately 70,000 Mercedes were sold in this country last year. This translates into about one-half of 1 percent of the more than fourteen million motor vehicles sold. At the same time, there were nearly 3.5 million millionaire households. What does this tell us? It suggests that the members of most wealthy households dont drive luxury imports. The fact is that two out of three purchasers or leasers of foreign luxury motor vehicles in this country are not millionaires.Most millionaires live a lot more like you and me than Jay Z or Elon Musk.Theyrethrifty, not very materialistic , and they think a great deal about how much they spend.ViaThe Millionaire Next DoorThere is an inverse relationship between the time spent purchasing luxury items such as cars and clothes and the time spent planning ones financial future.And the more materialistic people are, the less satisfied they are with their lives.Via100 Simple Secrets of the Best Half of LifeAmong participants in one study, those whose values were the most materialistic rated their lives as the least satisfying. Ryan and Dziurawiec 2001Research shows people are better with their money when theythink long term.Expertssay you should have asystem.Are you as money-conscious as a millionaire?Most millionaires answer yes to these four questions. Can you?ViaThe Millionaire Next DoorDoes your household operate on an annual budget?Do you know how much your family spends each year on food, clothing and shelter?Do you have a clearly defined set of daily, weekly, monthly, annual and lifetime goals?Do you spend a lot of time planning your financial future?(For more on research-backed ways to spend your money so it increases your happiness, clickhere.)So its clear how millionaires make their money. But what should we take away from all of this?Sum upBeing a millionaire must be nice. But we wont all get there. And thats okay. Money isnt everything.So even if you dont get rich, what lessons can we all learn from millionaires?Take control of your life asbest you can.Plan and be strategic, whatever your career might be.Work hard.Watch your money.Thats advice anyone can follow and everyone can benefit from.Join more than 300,000readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.Related posts8 Things The Worlds Most Successful People All Have In CommonHeres The Schedule Very Successful People Follow Every DayHow To Make Your Life Better By Sending Five Simple EmailsThis articlefirst appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Special Education Resume - What Is It?

Special Education Resume - What Is It? What Special Education Resume Is - and What it Is Not You may also see Animator Resumes. In our site, you can checkA Teacher Job Description Samples to see a variety of samples associated with the role youre intending for. You cannot do the job by yourself. Teaching jobs typically need specific degrees and certifications, so be certain to highlight your education. Keep in mind, youre an educator. Each business and profession has specific search phrases. The greater education resume is offered in PDF format. Ok, I Think I Understand Special Education Resume, Now Tell Me About Special Education Resume Everyone deserves a great education and Id like to be a voice for this goal with the students I work with. Students can make an application for a work shadow or career exploration in a prospective career field. You will never know which kinds of disabilities students in your class will struggle with, so be certain you know basic informati on regarding broad range of disabilities before going to the work interview. Produce and maintain meaningful relationships with students to establish their individual exceptional needs. Depending on the kind of business plan youre interested in creating, theres a great likelihood you will have to have lots of things included, such as marketing strategies, financing strategies, and even more. Then the 2nd most important issue is your educational qualification. Therefore, if youre seeking to submit an application for a new job for a teacher, youve come to the correct location. In the area of teaching where safety is a main concern, obtaining a great track record is crucial, and a resume with no gaps or unexplained unemployment is a huge start. The in depth job description for a particular education teacher is another helpful resource. Concentrate on why youre a nice and enthusiastic candidate for the teaching job prospect. Individualize each resume to fit the particular job, tog ether with the school. Ensure your resume is crystal clear and informative and targeted to the particular teacher job prospect. If you opt to include a number of positions, as its applicable to the precise teaching job youre applying for, then you could always elaborate on three experiences and just list the rest of the positions. Alternatively, you should begin with your prior work experience. In addition, aim to deal with specific job responsibilities for the job which youre seeking. Some teach students with moderate disabilities the skills essential to live independently to locate a job, like managing time and money. When listing your prior experience, be certain to list any particular disabilities or issues that youve worked with before. Also explain the way your experience and individual qualities will benefit the particular needs children you would like to assist. Concentrate on your prior education, experience, highlights and an overview of what you can provide. Without experience, youve got to concentrate on presenting your talents and abilities in prime form with an entry level resume. Making a resume needs a lot of time and thinking. Utilizing a business plan template reduces the possibilities of that happening. Our templates, resume-builder, and suggestions from resume professionals can help you produce a job-winning resume very quickly. Utilize spelling and grammar checking program. When you target your letter to the particular job and the employer, you receive the attention you have earned. Resume objectives sum up everything youve written in the remainder of the document so that hiring managers do not need to go through the rigmarole of reading pages upon pages should they dont feel like it. As its the first impression a prospective employer has of you, the letter should be visually pleasing. The employer might have very specific needs.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Australians work longest hours

Australians work longest hours Australians work longest hoursPosted October 13, 2011, by Louisa Veidelis Australians work the longest hours in the developed world, with an average of 1855 hours at work each year, which is 200 hours more than employees in other countries, according to a study by the Australia Institute. Further, one-third of Australians do not use any of their annual leave. One-fifth of Australians work more than 50 hours a week, according to another study, by The University of Sydney. unterstellung worrying figures suggest there is more work than life in the work-life balance for many Australians.Job insecurity and a more consumer-oriented and materialistic society are the main reasons for the long hours worked, believes Director of the Australia Institute, Dr Clive Hamilton. He said on ABC radio that people are starting to realise that working much overtime is not always the best way. Theres more to life than long hours of work and more and more Australians are unde rstanding that and are scaling back their material demands and the work regiment they impose on themselves and are starting to live the old Australian myth of enjoying life more, spending time with family, friends and doing that thing you always wanted to do, said Mr Hamilton. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesworking freelance in australiafuture of work the top jobs of 2025freelance work from home australiafreelance work online australiahighest paying jobs in australia CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire ansprechbar Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineLouisa VeidelisRelated ArticlesBrowse more BusinessEvent Management24-Hour Party People How To Become An Events ManagerIf you love people, have energy to spare and have superb organisational skills, being an events manager could be your dream job. After all, who doesnt love a great event and helping others to have a good time?Gig EconomyUnusual jobs10 Gig Economy GigsA flexible schedule, setting your own rates and working from home are big benefits of the gig economy. Could it work for you too? Check out these 10 gig economy jobs.Community ServicesCounsellingThe many faces of social workThe field of social work is incredibly broad and diverse, but wonderfully rewarding too. So how do you decide which field of social work is best for you?

Thursday, November 28, 2019

10 Common Mistakes Job Seekers Make

10 Common Mistakes Job Seekers Make10 Common Mistakes Job Seekers MakeDo you know someone who has experience and skill in their field (not to mention commitment, drive, and great references), but despite their best efforts, they cant seem to find a job? For anyone in this situation, as application after application is filled out without any results, you may wonder,What am I doing wrong?Many well-meaning, enthusiastic job seekers unknowingly sabotage their efforts because they dont realize their strategy is full of mistakes.Fortunately, when you know which errors to avoid, youll probably find that your stalled job search gains the forward momentum you want.Here are 10 common mistakes that job seekers make in their campaignsFailure to prepare for your job search.People spend more time planning summer vacations than learning what it takes to conduct a job-search campaign. Its little wonder they have a hard time landing the right jobThe most qualified applicants do not always get the bes t jobs however, outstanding candidates always get the best offers. Your objective in preparing for a job search is to learn how to present your skills through your accomplishments, which most people cant do effectively on the fly.Going after jobs that no longer exist.Every day, thousands of job seekers look for jobs identical to the one they just left, when in reality, that job has gone away- or at least evolved.Check with human resource departments of target companies to see what jobs are unfilledbeforepreparing your rsum, references, and interview talking points. Realign your campaign early where there is a need rather than chasing after something that is not there.Using poorly prepared letters and collateral materials.When applying to advertisements or writing to company executives, take time to think carefully, edit, edit some more, and proofread. Your reader is thinking,This candidate will never do better for me than what she is doing for herself.So if your submission is poorly written, not focused on what the company is seeking, loaded with clichs and boring, or sprinkled with typos, it is aya to be eliminated.Poorly prepared letters and collateral materials will rule you out, even if you are the most qualified candidate- and youd be surprised by how often this happens. When writing rsums, documents, and letters, read them slowly out loud. It is one of the best proofing tools you can use.notlage addressing what the company is looking for.When applying to a job posting, take the time to itemize exactly what the company is looking for and match your accomplishments to the companys needs, demonstrating in your application that you have the required skills.Dont send the same materials to multiple companies. If you do not have what the company is looking for, do not waste your time and theirs in responding.Forgetting to thank people who help you along the way.Its amazing how many candidates refuse to acknowledge the help they get from networking contacts with a short but pertinent thank-you note. Dont forget that these people gave you their time and perhaps information that helped you meet more people or, better yet, opened a job opportunity.Sending an e-mail or short handwritten thank-you note says much about your personality and character. Furthermore, your contact may reply with even more help.Relying solely on mail campaigns in lieu of meeting people every day.People get jobs from people. Its a fact. And as many weary job seekers can attest, sending out rsums in response to advertisements can be a futile exercise.Candidates who stay glued to their computers sending out a continuous flow of rsums lose the opportunity to develop their communication skills. A good rule to follow Answer online ads before 730 a.m. and after 730 p.m., and use your day to get out and meet people. Remember, the Internet is open 24/7. One great networking meeting is worth more than 1,000 mailings.Failing to do research on industries, new jobs, and companies in your area.Chances are, you dont want to pick up and move for a job (or even settle for a long commute) if you dont have to. Good news Your best job could be just around the corner. Get a map of your home area and draw a circle at a distance of 20 minutes from your home at 730 a.m. Then search for companies within the perimeter youve created using online company databases.Use weekends to drive around the area and physically note companies in industrial zones. Your campaign should include visiting these companies- not to ask for a job, but to drop off your rsum and a personal geschftliches miteinander card and inform them of youravailability.Putting all your effort in chasing recruiters.If you are seeking a position where your skills are unique and hard to come by, then approaching recruiters makes sense. A well-written cover letter and rsum to the recruiter is all you need. Likewise, if you are seeking a job with a salary lower than $70,000, a recruiter mailing will put you in fro nt of recruiters in your area. And executives can use specialized lists like ExecuNet or Ladders (both for a fee). But heres a fact you may not have known By and large, recruiters prefer selecting candidates from successfully employed performers at competitors of their client companies.In speaking to recruiter friends, we asked what percentage of candidates they selected from unemployed applicants in their database. It bordered on 1 percent. While recruiters can help if they have an assignment that fits your background and are willing to present you, our preference has always been networking as a way into target companies.Not practicing interviewing techniques before going out into the market.If you had a role in a school play, would you rehearse? Of course. You would learn the lines, practice out loud, record how you sound, and even have friends and family critique your performance. Well, you are certainly on stage when you are networking or interviewing with companies, so practici ng is a must.Think about and rehearse your responses to difficult questions like,Tell me about yourself, What are your skills?, Why were you let go from your previous employer?, andHow much money do you want?.Not taking time to learn how to use the Internet as a research and communications tool.We may be living in the Age of the Internet, but that doesnt mean every job seeker knows how to effectively use this resource.We are often surprised by how little people know about the Internet and social media, at least when it comes to tools for communicating, searching for a job, and professional networking. If you are one of those people, devote one hour each evening to viewing training videos and webinars, which can be found by doing a Google search on Training in LinkedIn or Facebook or Twitter.Job hunting is challenging enough without pouring your time and energy into the wrong tactics. Its one thing to be told no after doing your best to obtain a position. What youdontwant is to inadv ertently close that door yourself because of mistakes you could have avoided.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Get Noticed -- and Promoted -- in Your Legal Career

How to Get Noticed -- and Promoted -- in Your Legal CareerHow to Get Noticed and Promoted in Your Legal CareerWhether youre working in a legal job at a private law firm or in-house at a company, getting recognition from leaders in the organization can be a challenge. Even if you always contribute top-leidch work, senior colleagues may not readily distinguish you from other up-and-coming associates who also deliver quality work product.Here are some action steps you can take to get noticed and earn the recognition you need to advance in your legal career.Tips to Get Noticed in Your Legal Career1. Be visible. Recognize that there are many ways to raise your profile within the organization in addition to being diligent at your work. Consider taking parte in office events, such as team-building activities, holiday parties, birthday celebrations, nonprofit or pro bono work, and other official mix-and-mingle opportunities that may arise. These are the times you can get to know co-workers and partners in a mora relaxed setting and engage in conversations with colleagues you dont see on a daily basis. 2. Refine interpersonal skills. Soft skillsare an integral part of being a successful attorney, essential to forging relationships with professionals in your office and within the legal community. Strengthen communication skills by interacting with a wide range of people and personalities. From clients to co-workers to co-counsel you need to be able to work with them all effectively.Strong communication skills are not just for arguing cases or writing memos but also for conveying important information and business solutions to clients. You should also be adept at dealing with ambiguity and complexity.3. Do more than your job description. Volunteer for projects that are important to the organization but others may see as too mundane or uninteresting to tackle. Not only will you demonstrate youre dependable, but youll show your co-workers and superiors that youre willing to go above and beyond for the organization. Step up for the projects that will elevate your status in the firm or office.On the other hand, be sure to maintain balance dont overdo it. If you pile too much on your plate, you risk producing inferior results. If someone asks you to take on a project and you truly dont have time, politely decline. Your co-workers will appreciate an honest answer as opposed to a promise that you may be unable to fulfill.4. Be client-focused. If youre an attorney at a law firm, building strong relationships with your clients and potential clients can help you bring more business into the practice. Demonstrating your rainmaking skills is one of the best ways to get noticed. Improving client service levels involves maintaining an active dialogue with clients. Consider inviting some of your best clients to lunch to discuss their legal needs, where they feel your firm is doing well, where you can do better, and how you can improve the quality of the servic es you deliver and reduce the clients costs.5. Develop your business skills. A law firm is abusiness. And it needs attorneys who can provide legal advice that keeps clients business goals in mind. Show partners and other senior colleagues you clearly recognize corporate clients growing demand for more value for their spending, more predictability, better communication, transparency in billing, and improved efficiency. Demonstrate that you understand your firm must leave behind or modify some long-established traditions in order to remain competitive and operate cost-effectively. And embrace changes that may be introduced for example, alternative billing arrangements, modification of compensation structures, new approaches to client relationship management, and more flexible staffing strategies.6. Find a mentor. Seek out a mentorin your office. Connecting with a seasoned colleague who can provide you with career guidance will not only demonstrate your sincere interest in professiona l development but can also lead to important introductions. Many firms have coaching and mentoring programs in which associates are matched with mentors to guide them especially through their early years. You may benefit from a partner coach who can help you with your work and direct you in your career plans.Use these tips to build your profile in your office and in the legal community. By providing superior legal work and improving your visibility, senior colleagues and partners will be far more likely to take note of your contributions.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What Happens When Both Spouses Are in the Military

What Happens When Both Spouses Are in the MilitaryWhat Happens When Both Spouses Are in the MilitaryWhen both spouses are service members, dual-military life as a couple can be challenging. But many choose to endure the hardships, finding a balance between their marriages and their careers. Married Army Couples Program Keeping a family together while accomplishing the missions set forth by the Army, is something many dual military couples face. One way to meet the challenge is by enrolling in the Married Army Couples Program (MACP). Established in August 1983, the MACP is a program designed to help ensure that married soldiers are considered for joint domicile assignments. Challenges for Being Stationed Together The Married Army Couples Program works, but it doesnt guarantee you will be assigned together.There are a number of things which can make it difficult for the MACP to station a couple together. If two soldiers have the same low-density military occupational specialty (MOS) or job, they may be mora difficult to station together. MACP also applies to soldiers married to members of other services, but it is more difficult for assignment managers to station them together. In addition to the difficulties inherent in stationing soldiers from different career fields together, there are also problems stationing soldiers together when they volunteer forspecial duty. Soldiers Staying Together as a Couple While some soldiers place a lot of faith in their branch managers, others recommend that couples take a more proactive hand in their careers. They should expect to make sacrifices, sometimes above and beyond what unmarried soldiers may face. One may have to decline an appointment, for instance, in the interest of staying close to each other. The key to a successful dual military marriage is a considerationfor each others career goals. Family Care Plans Another challenge dual military couples must tacklearefamily care plans- written instructions fo r the care of family members in the event ofdeployments, temporary duty or field exercises.Dual militarycouples have 30 days after arriving at a new unit to produce a valid family care plan, which includes naming both a short-term andlong-termcare provider. In some cases, finding ashort-termcare provider at a new duty station can be difficult. Talk to other married couples and parents before you have to deal with this situation, since care arrangements can vary from base to base or station. Benefits of Being a Dual Military Couple Still, other dual-military couples said while there are difficulties, there are also a number of benefits.Military spouses understand the stress each other faces on the job every day, and can help each other cope with the challenges they deal with. They can pack each others gear and even if theyre not stationed together, can be a sounding board for each other during challenging periods in their respective tours of duty.